6 Benefits of Tracking Your Field Crew’s Time

6 Benefits of Tracking Your Field Crew’s Time


5 min read

Benefits of Tracking Your Field Crew’s Time

The most valuable resource for every organisation is time. If you want to increase the performance and productivity of your business, keeping track of the time spent by your field personnel is essential. Effective time tracking strategies can help field personnel enhance customer satisfaction, meet deadlines and goals, and provide a more thorough picture of employee productivity.

The company is morally obliged to regularly review employees’ progress on their tasks even though they are always engaged and committed to it. Therefore, knowing whether the assignment is completed correctly, whether deadlines are reached, and other important information is crucial for managers.

The performance of a corporation may be significantly impacted when these elements are neglected. What we can do to monitor field staff performance is the question at hand. The answer is time-tracking apps or software, without a doubt. Time tracking has a number of advantages, and can be greatly useful for a variety of businesses operating in the construction industry.

Here are six advantages of leveraging a time management software:

1. Boost Employee Productivity

In terms of field employees, time tracking software allows them to see the big picture concerning their working hours, which can substantially improve their focus and, thus, productivity.

Time tracking has a direct impact on the productivity of your employees. It gives confidence to high-performing field staff that their efforts will be acknowledged and appropriately rewarded. It also holds low-performing employees accountable and brings problems to light quickly.

Also, when working remotely, it is simple for the managers to track the time management of their team and pre- strategies tasks to meet milestones. The organisation can also keep records of its employees’ work and help them if they are stuck in the middle of it.

2. Evaluate Team Workflow

It’s a frequent misconception that time tracking apps only record the start and conclusion of each workday. They can do much more and you can keep an eye on all meetings, project activities, and customer feedback sessions that happen in between. As a result, it allows you to examine the team’s process and search for holes.

For instance, it should have taken the staff only an hour to do the assignment, but it took three. Why did it take so long? What’s holding them back, and can you provide them with more tools or training to speed up the process?

3. Better work distribution

It’s challenging to oversee everyone, everywhere, when there are numerous crews, jobs, and job sites. However, you can identify which staff are performing the best at particular jobs by using accurate time management reports. As a result, you can schedule them based on their skills. You can also check who is on the clock and schedule work tasks for their day accordingly. If you run a business with trades operating at multiple sites in a region, you can accurately track your team’s movements and allocate tasks throughout the day to nearby employees where relevant.

In addition to scheduling the workload to the appropriate individuals, you can also make sure that the best individuals are performing their best work. This enhances both your company’s reputation and customer service.

4. Streamline The Payroll Process

There’s too much manual work involved in data entry for the standard payroll procedure. First, every department’s employee time cards must be gathered. Then, using their pay rate, determine how much they made that week.

Payroll processing can now be handled for you by a time tracking app with this feature. Just enter employee information, such as their hourly rate, and the system will handle the rest. Its simple, employees clock in and out their time, managers approve that time spent, then this gets processed directly via a payroll and invoicing system like MYOB as an example.

5. Improves Transparency And Accountability

The transparency of time tracking software is one of its core benefits. Business owners can gain from such transparency by having access to daily work flow schedules that help them organise their resource planning more effectively. By providing information about completed tasks and deadlines, employees also improve the transparency of their work process.

Furthermore, by knowing which activities should be finished first and which are all secondary, managers can start to properly prioritise the work of the field team.

When they are responsible for informing their managers of every detail of their daily work plans, employees are more attentive to their work. At this point, each employee utilises their time more effectively, increasing their productivity in the process.

Because this kind of time monitoring software will keep track of their working hours, employees are aware that they are responsible for their actions. This encourages a sense of accountability for all the duties carried out throughout the day. Field employees would be less likely to procrastinate on their duties and waste working time if they knew their work time records were constantly accessible for examination.

6. Saves Time and Saves Money

Saving time across an entire workforce equates to saving money. In fact, modern time management tools can help you save money just by removing the administrative work associated with manually tracking, reviewing, reconciling and processing time via paper based systems. Digital time management systems can eliminate an enormous amount of time and hassle associated with getting this done correctly and quickly.


Making the most of your employee’s working hours is made much more possible with the help of a well-designed employee time-tracking system.

JCards is one of the leading recommended time tracking tools currently available and offers a 30 day free trial before deciding to purchase. Super easy to use, simple to onboard new team members and packed with all of the features you would need to help your business save time, save money and greatly increase productivity.

Try JCards NOW! Time is always on your side.